And from Korea Czardas - V.Monti [DoubleBass Minje Sung] 차르다시 더블베이스 성민제

Yes in fact the string bass CAN sound as melodic as a cello

3.8 hours of sleep.

Going back to bed would not have been terrible. Likewise going to bed earlier.

But at least I got a shower before my morning Zoom.

For it being 90 degrees outside, I was amazingly comfortable with just my fan. Helps to live on the N side of the building.

On the road partly to virtue:

--I scheduled one medical thing

--I got my new CPAP close to set up AND was able to get the manual online and print it big enough that I can almost read it or read it enough to see the table of contents and go to topical pages. The electronic version is well laid out and well edited but who wants to have to interact with the computer all the time if there is another option.

Post convention doldrums and various flavors of SLOG

but I live indoors and have plenty to eat even if I get tired of some of it.


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