Expect more and better CAT VIDEOS: Mama Lynx Brings 7 Kittens To Woman grieving loss of a beloved pet.

Okay world, as long as a Presidential campaign surrogate on one side keeps grumbling about "Childless Cat ladies," BOY am I here for it. Bring it, the weird memes, on and expect LOTS more cat videos!

4.1 hours of sleep in bed and a couple more drowsy hours when I should have gone back to bed but did things like talk to my sister.

What's my excuse THIS TIME?

F*^*CK fentanyl.

When I went back to my apartment last night, I found a woman collapsed in the lobby near the elevators. I called 911. I could not see or hear that she was breathing but I ran my hand along her side and it seemed like there were shallow breaths. Cue 911, the fire department less than a mile away and then the ambulance.

I am glad the ambulance was needed.

I don't know why I am so rattled.

But anyway F*^*^CK fentanyl


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