Ring them Bells Dylan official version

In lieu of, I dunno, upside down American flags

This version is one of the more listenable I have found    

5 ish hours of sleep, but in weird spurts. 

Today I cleaned the fridge. Boy did it need it.

Now about the broken shelf and the vegetable drawer full of water. I kind of want a new fridge. Will that happen? Dunno.

I have not gone to the computer lab at all today. I think it's okay. If I fall asleep not so far to go to get to bed.

A meeting was cancelled tomorrow afternoon so I get to go cheerlead and be fetch and carry for my mom's moving effort. Her downsize is inspiring me.

Other than that Norwegian Cruise line mailer is inspiring and evoking memories of travelling in Europe 45 years ago. Gorbachev was in China just after Tien an mien. My Eurail pass got me overnight trips on Silja line ferries. I could just sleep on the deck in recliner chairs. One night I struck up a conversation with 2 guys, one from Cuba, one from Norway. Russian was the only language we had in common.

I don't like my new wireless phone charger. It gets hot and it's not as easy to use phone while it is charging.

First world problems


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