Dining al fresco

The Burgermaster on Aurora Ave N. To me it is miraculous that cars can pull in. a cheerful waitperson will take an order and than there is room to park and eat dinner without having to scurry through a drive through.

The burgers and veggie burgers are cooked while you wait. The wait is worth it.

There is also ONE table for stubborn people like me. 

Under the covered walkway watching cars whiz by on Aurora
The dine in your car section
at Burgermaster
4.7 hours of sleep.

HEROIC effort to get every schedule except the last page of my income taxes done FINALLY. but tonight I am too tired to ge over the last hump. So I am just going to give up and go to bed.

Good day to go to the post office. CHECKS and NEW SOCKS so I can retire both some that are truly worn out and some that just are not preferable.

So much to do to impose order at home...


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