Five hours + VIsual Field + pollen.

Blame the eye appointment.


Somewhere around 5 hours of sleep in two intervals. I would have gone back to sleep some more but I was due at eye appointment.


I always get a thrill these days just having sidewalk to get from the bus stop to the front door. The change is the result of a whole sequence of complaints to different parts of the picture. Now a lovely safe walk. No more dodging cars in the fire lane.


I hate pollen when I have to deal with visual field test. More excruciating detail available upon request. At least the tech did not fuss too much about things that always go “wrong” for me with that test.


I am feeling lazy about two bus segments I would have benefited from walking, but under a time crunch. Goal MAKE MYSELF walk more.


Time crunch is also why I will hold off on comments about bus courtesy area and all door boarding.


Sleep? Who needs sleep?


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