Twitter / X, Purple silk, spices, and some kind of cookies

I have no freaking idea why Blogger won't let me make this bigger or reposition it.

Screenshot: Smiley with Heart eyes emoji and message "Your LIKES are now private
The latest, cough,
"improvement" in
Elon's sandbox

 6.0 hours of sleep and too tired to rant further about the above mentioned "improvemen."

No choice about clicking OK.

Also too tired to do another transpo info quest.

THANK YOU to friends who offered me a ride to an event tomorrow. According to Google there is a frequent bus near the venue, BUT I cannot tell if there is some gnarly street crossing involved.

Mom can't find her hearing aid charger and it sounds like she chose the cheaper moving company and they did a crappier job than her neighbors got with the other recommendation.

Have I mentioned that I am not charged with my new wireless magnetic phone charger. After #100+ I expect to be thrilled.

But I DID finally go pick up a present a friend brought me back from India. It is BEAUTIFUL purple silk. Now what.

I know what: see if I can map Metro Flex to go visit.


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