

5:02 hours of sleep. I keep feeling discombobulated about what day it is. GOOD RAC meeting. Budget freeze so no construction.

Crispy Baked Sweet Potato Fries?

I do not CARE how crispy my baked sweet potato slices get but the technique stuff is interesting. 5:02 hours of sleep. I should have gone back to bed. I am so disoriented about what day it is. I am also addicted to confirmation hearings which is dumb because they are just a distraction and I have plenty else to do. And oh by the way, there is still light in the sky at 5 pm!!! Last night the ice breaker question at a meeting was "something fun you did over the holidays." I forgot to answer it and also skipped over "pronouns are an essay question." Probably it is also just as well I did not say :had great fun gathering with family and the most fun was wanting to set dessert on fire one night. Ahhhh

Bizarre fascination: ANGRY Motherfluffing Cat

Secret fascination with choose one or more: cat torture / cat whispering 5:50 hours of sleep. Scheduled next biopsy and had two good meetings and a good conversation. Exercise consists of 20 minutes on the exercise bike. Not enough. UGH.

Fast food fusion in one's very own kitchen: Big Mac Taco -

This vid has been demanding my attention for DAYS so... It goes quickly to the absurd but there are some interesting techniques and siracha on anything like a big mac will probably be a hit with SOMEONE. 5:08 hours of sleep. My mother's younger brother died today: prostate cancer with very painful mets to spine. A really solid guy, different in a couple ways from me and a solid guy on his own terms. A zoom funeral or audio recording would be lovely. Other than that, it takes energy to respond to one's public about HEALTH issues. I got my hair washed but lost momentum about more cleaning. But tomorrow is another day.

Mediterranean Potato Salad | Heart-Healthy & Packed with Goodness

Mediterranean spices and viniagrette sound cool. I am not usually a big fan of olives but olives in potato salad sounds intriguing 5:02 hours of sleep. Two meetings and a PU Alumni reception. I feel blessed.

Greenland is NOT for sale and it would have been fine with me if (propaganda warning. rant incoming....)

Ordinarily crap like this should go in another blog but SOMEHOW haveing the junior Donald speak on behalf of anyone is such a giant red flag that i decided my sleep pattern can handle the outrage. 4:46 hours of sleep. More would have been good but I needed to be awake by a certain time. I will have to catch up gradually. A good day. Two meetings and big help de-bulking 3 boxes of clothes and shoes from bedroom. Hopefully I will have momentum to do some more over the next few days.